• (305) 854-5971
  • (954) 961-8153


Sinusitis is the inflammation or swelling of the tissue lining in the sinuses. It is a very common condition that affects millions and comes in two forms, acute or chronic.

Symptoms of Chronic Sinusitis

Symptoms of sinusitis come in many forms. The most common symptoms are:

  • Difficulty breathing through the nose
  • Aches in the upper jaw
  • Pressure and swelling around the nose, eyes and cheeks
  • Headaches
  • Loss of smell and taste
  • Thick and abnormally colored discharge and drainage from the nose

How Is Chronic Sinusitis Treated?

Chronic sinusitis treatment is based on the underlying causes with the ultimate goal of easing symptoms. Often, the best sinusitis treatment is a combination of different approaches — typically medication plus self-care:

Antibiotics: If a bacterial infection is to blame your doctor may prescribe antibiotics.

Decongestants: decongestant sprays help lower the amount of mucus but offer mostly temporary relief.  

Allergy Medication: Many cases of sinusitis are due to uncontrolled allergies.  If you have never been diagnosed with allergies, it might be helpful to do an allergy test.  

Steroids: In some cases your doctor may prescribe steroids to help bring down swelling in your sinus membranes.

Surgery: With chronic sinusitis surgery may be your best option.  Our doctors can remove blockage, and enlarge the sinus passages allowing them to drain properly.  Depending on individual patient factors this can either be performed in the office (balloon sinuplasty) or in the operating room (functional endoscopic sinus surgery, FESS).

What CausesChronic Sinusitis?

Chronic sinusitis most commonly occurs due to allergies but can also be due to problems with the structure of the nasal passages, or growth of nasal polyps:

1. Nasal polyps: Soft, noncancerous growths that block the nasal passage and sinuses.

2. Deviated Septum: A condition where the nasal bone and cartilage within the nasal cavity is significantly off centered or crooked, leading to abnormal nasal air flow.

3. Infections: Viral, bacterial or fungal infections can have short and long term effects on your sinuses.  Infections can cause inflammation in your sinuses causing them to drain improperly.

4. Allergies: Inflammation due to uncontrolled allergies can also block nasal drainage and increase inflammation to the point of chronic sinusitis.


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